We hope you can join us for the upcoming Historical Society meeting on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at the Milpitas Library, for a presentation about California's oldest historical society, E... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, November 2017 includes the following articles: November 8Meeting: Film History of San Jose (This time for sure!) Milpitas History Comes Alive at Sinnott School Holiday Notice, More... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, October 2017 includes the following articles: October 11Meeting: History of the Sunnyhills Neighborhood Milpitas Historical Society Revives its Annual Fall Yard Sale! Change in Member Dues? New... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, September 2017 includes the following articles: September 13Meeting: City of Campbell and Its Forgotten Industrial History Milpitas Historical Society Annual Tour Street Name Stories: Pimentel Circle Annual... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, June 2017 includes the following articles: New Film –New Meeting Time! New Milpitas School Named for Mabel Mattos Milpitas Historical Society Annual Tour Honoring Members We Have... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, May 2017 includes the following articles: Large History in a Small Park An Overhead Event from Long Ago History San Jose: Painting the Town Milpitas International Festival... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, April 2017 includes the following articles: Finding the Treasures of Santa Clara What happened to our scheduled speaker for March? Milpitas School Name Stories: John Sinnott Elementary... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, March 2017 includes the following articles: March 8 Meeting: The City of Campbell and Its Forgotten Industrial History Remembering a Former Milpitas Mayor Milpitas Historical Society’s 2017... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, January 2017 includes the following articles: January 11 Meeting: History of Palo Alto Ainsley House Field Trip Members We Lost This Past Year: Jack Wilson and Robert... read more →
The Milpitas Muse, November 2016 includes the following articles: Our November 9 Meeting, Bob McGuire Park Opening Busy Times in October!, Interested in a Christmas Field Trip? Holiday Notice Slate... read more →