Speaking of honoring Milpitas veterans, in the recently opened City Hall display of veterans’ memorabilia there is a list of street names in Milpitas that are marked with blue, rather than green, street signs. These blue street signs signify that the person for whom the street was named died while in the US Armed Services. The following streets are marked by these blue signs in the center columns.
Blue Street Signs
Honor Milpitas Vets
Veterans Memorial Park
A more complete list can be found at the beautiful little Veterans Memorial Park behind City Hall. Here stone markers with brass plaques show the names of those deceased veterans according to the wars during which they died: World War I, World War II, and Vietnam.
Milpitas People and Places
Street Name Stories
- Burdett Way
- Cestaric Drive
- Donahe Drive
- Duarte Court
- Enriquez Court
- Falcato Drive
- Ferreira Drive
- Garcia Court
- Guerrero Court
- Heflin Street
- Horcajo Circle
- Kizer Street
- Matthews Court
- Mattos Drive
- Pashote Court
- Perry Street
- Printy Avenue
- Rivera Street
- Rodrigues Avenue
- Rose Drive
- Tice Drive
- Traughber Street
- Torres Avenue
- Vargas Court

However, not all the Milpitas veterans who died in the Armed Service have streets named after them yet. There is as yet no street named for Harold E. Boetcher, a USMC casualty of the Vietnam war nor for Stephen Dunning (Afganistan) or Michael Mihalakis or Doonewey White (Iraq). The city is working on accomplishing these goals.